Sunday, December 18, 2011

It's All About the Love

As I sat on the floor of my room the other night, looking through various pictures taken throughout the course of my relationship with my girlfriend, Kelsey, I had a revelation. It was one of those sort of self-defining realizations that knocks you upside the head like slippery, limp tuna. It was as if some little gnome awoke in my head, struck with the urge to ponder. Only it was the middle of the night and the gnome needed light and space to think. It was too dark in my brain for the poor, little gnome to find his way around. And as he stumbled around inside my subconscious, I could feel him fumbling for the light switch. I started to get excited as I felt the realization coming together. And as my visually impaired, bearded, little imaginary friend finally yanked the chain that lit the bulb, I had what my 7th grade science teacher, Mr. Sharp, used to refer to as an "Aha!" moment.

But before I get to that, let me back up a sec... In my last post, I somewhat pessimistically talked about my feelings of boredom, a sort of stagnancy and general lack of enthusiasm with regards to my "nine to five, stare at your computer screen all day, god this chair is killing my back" lifestyle that I've found myself in. And while it's true that I'm fed up with that lifestyle (and I've petitioned for a weekly stretch-sesh in the office...apparently the final decision is still pending), I made the assumption that that feeling of staleness at work was the root of my search for alternative forms of stimulation. Seemed like a logical assumption. But, when that little gnome successfully pulled that little light-bulb string in my head, I realized that the motive for this newfound curiosity and excitement for life has actually come from something else. And that something is love. The realization that you're in love is a magical thing. You feel like you're riding on a silver sleigh across the sky with eight unicorns prancing and pulling you through the air, wind in your hair, and santa sitting shotgun, ho-ho-hoing, patting you on the back and passing you a beer. It's awesome.

For Kelsey's 25th birthday a few weeks ago, I gave her a photo album half-filled with photos of us to symbolize our budding journey together as a couple (super cheesy or ultra-romantic... hard to say). Side-note: I also made her a rather extravagant, home-cooked meal that consisted of a persimmon, goat cheese, walnut salad with balsamic vinaigrette; slow-roasted, pulled-pork in a rosemary, tomato sauce; artichokes with aioli; and a fine Pinot Noir to accompany. And it. was. BOMB... if I do say so myself. MM!! (Grunting, satisfaction noise.) And really, this was a pretty freakin' big deal for me because I really had never cooked anything more complicated than mac and cheese or a bowl of cereal before this 7-hour endeavor. It was truly delicious, but looking back on it, I'm just glad I didn't burn the house down.

But getting back to the point, it was when I was putting together the photo album, that I realized that it's this love that's the cause, the seed, if you will, for my subsequent desire to pursue additional avenues of learning in life. This urge to take up new hobbies, find new kinds of experiences and to expand my mind and my abilities, has come from this new sense of comfort with myself and a happiness with my place in the world. And I can truly relate to Melvin when he finally succeeds in complimenting Carol in the movie, As Good As It Gets. Check out the clip. Great film. See it today. And this appreciation, joy and sheer luck that I feel in being with someone like this has inspired me to seek additional ways of bettering myself.
Same team...
I'm gonna try to tone-down the mushiness now so that you guys don't uncontrollably launch into a complete and total Barf-O-Rama, but to sum it all up, love is just great. Really, it's like the best drug there is. Kelsey and I actually worry that we are constantly grossing out everyone around us with our lavish public displays of affection... But, really, we also don't care.

And, like any couple I guess, the more time we spend together, the more comfortable we are with each other. And we are taking important steps towards a completely comfortable relationship. For example, I can be a complete goof, and she thinks it's funny. I can give her wet willies and try to pick her nose. And I farted in front of her the other night. And when she exclaimed, "you farted!" I responded with, "My first one!" It was a momentous occasion. And that was that. Now I can break wind before her. In truth, I fart all the time. In fact, I've got a problem. I'm just sly about it. Luckily, my farts rarely smell bad. Thank god! Cause let me tell you, no one would want to be my friend if they did...

Anyway, that is what I wanted to say with this post. Good night and good luck. And remember - it's all about the love.

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